Earth (was: Etymology of Rome - h1rh1-em-/h1rh1-o:m-)

From: Sean Whalen
Message: 47827
Date: 2007-03-14

--- Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:

> On 2007-03-14 04:23, Sean Whalen wrote:
> > PIE *ghdo:m > Pre-Latin *hu:m and then an
> adjective
> > was formed from the generalized nominative just as
> > *bho:r > fu:r >> fu:rti:vus.

> cluster to *g^H- (> Lat. h-) was regular. <humus>,
> on the other hand,
> seems to reflect the weak stem *g^Hm.-.

Given other rules in Latin it seems likely that:

ghdó:m ... -ó:m
hu:m ... -o:m or -u:m if not only in mono.?
hu:m ... -o:m (analogy in o-stems)?
hu:m ... -o:m (hu:ma:nus formed < hu:m)
hum .... -om
hum .... -um
humus .... -um (irreg. noun > o-stem)

I know that not everyone believes in the regularity
of *-ó:m > -um but it seems fine to me (considering
that both preceding and following C can affect V
changes in Latin).

> Looks like an excellent idea to me, though it's hard
> to be sure what the
> "regular" development of prevocalic *d(H)g^H- in
> Latin would have been.
> If Lat. sitis < *dHgWHi-ti-, one would expect *su:m
> (!). However, in

I think K and KW/KY developed differently in these

ksóm ghdó:m gWhdiitís kYtiitús
ks.óm ghd.ó:m gWhd.iitís kYt.iitús
ks.óm ghz.ó:m gWhz.iitís kYs.iitús
ks.óm ghz.ó:m z.iitís s.iitús
ks.óm ghz.ó:m z.itís s.itús
kóm ghó:m z.itís s.itús
kóm ghó:m s.itís s.itús

cum hum-us sitis situs

So plain velar + obstruent > velar stop > etc
round/pal. velar + obstruent > dental fricative

KW/KY are deleted before new s. in an onset as an
extension of the rule that retroflex sounds had no
round or pal. allophones.

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