Re: [tied] Re: Etymology of Rome

From: Carl Edlund Anderson
Message: 47717
Date: 2007-03-07

I believe "rumach" comes from an Etruscan tomb painting where a figure
is labeled something like "Cneve Tarchunies Rumach", the first elements
probably being "Gnaeus Tarquinius" in Latin, and the last perhaps
equivalent to Latin "Romanus". I don't remember the provenance of the
painting, though!

On the other hand, I don't see why this should mean "Roma" is from
"Ruma"; rather, I think it plausible that the Etruscan "Ruma" is an
adaptation of a Latin (or Italic, anyway) "Roma". But, well, this has
long been a very difficult topic! :)


Carl Edlund Anderson