Re: The Meanings of Middle, or mana kartam

From: Jens ElmegÄrd Rasmussen
Message: 47604
Date: 2007-02-25

--- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> Tsk, tsk. I just learned that what is the passive in Latin was in
> Oscan and Umbrian an impersonal which existed only in the 3sg and 3pl
> and which took the 'subject' in the accusative, just as is the case
> Estonian.

Where did you learn that? Unless you can show me some, I don't think
there is any evidence for it. It is true of Old Irish, however, but I
am very sure that is an innovation, a mere constructio ad sensum:
Anyone can get the idea of putting the undergoer in the accusative,
but it is quite another matter to put it in the nominative if *that*
is the innovation.
