PIE *gWh- > Alb /f/ again
From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 47603
Date: 2007-02-25
*dhgWhei- `to perish, dei away' > Alb fik `extinguish, destroy'
probably from zero-grade form *(dh)gWhi-k (cf. ik `to run away')
from imperative form: Greek phthisis from phthinein: Skt kşiyate `he
perishes' and kşapayati `he destroys'. (Pokorny ghðei(H)- 487.)
*gWhed- `to ask, pray'. Alb fé `faith, religion', where long
stress /é/ is a result of contraction (cf. Alb ngé `time, leisure',
related to Slavic *god& `time, year' or better bé `oath' < *bhoidh-
), denominative fejoj `to betroth, engage'. Synonymic pair bé e
rrëfé `oath and confession'. Denominative rrëfenj `to confess,
narrate', deverbative rrëfenjë `story, short simple narrative:
tale'. As cognate could be taken Old English biddan `to ask, pray;
OE bed(u), gebed `prayer'; Latin festus in infestus `hostile' and
perhaps manifestus `caught in the act, red-handed'. Miklosich's
assumption that it is a loan from Latin fidem, if we accept the rule
VDV = V, like in padulem > Alb pyll `forest', would lead us to *fi:
or to *fê with nasal /e/, from following nasal, that is not the
case. (Pokorny gWhedh- 488.)
*gWhen- `to strike, kill'. 1. Alb fyej `to insult, offend' from
*gWhe:n-yo, cf. Latin offendere `to offend, strike'. 2. Basic
participle form *gWhen-to > Alb zânë/zënë, participle attested in
infinitive form m'u zânë `to quarrel, occupy', deverbative noun
zënie `wrangle, quarrel, fight, strife', diminutive zënkë `angry,
quarrel, scrap'. Present zâ/zë `to ban, to take hold, take, stop',
cf. MHG ban, bane `way, road' (<'strike'). (Pokorny 2. gWhen-(H)
*gWhi: `thread, tendon'. 1. Alb fill `start, thread, string,
origin', pl. fije, from *gWhi:-slo: zan-a-fillë `origin', a compound
of *gWhen-to + *-o- + *gWhi:-slo `(where) origin starts'. 2.
Prefixed derivative përfill `to respect, consider', antonym
shpërfill `to disrespect, ignore': Latin filum `thread'. 3.
Denominative verb fillon `to start, begin'; adjective
fillor `elementary, primary'. 4. Idioms fill e për pe/fill e
gjilpër `in full detail', fill e për fill `in every detail, just
so', fill e rend `each in turn', fill vetëm `all alone, quite alone'
etc. It was supposed that it is a loan from Latin filum. (Pokorny
*gWheiH- 495.)
*gWhre:- `to smell, breathe'. Alb fryj `breathe, blow, smell, wind',
synonymic with ënjt `to cause to swell' (Gheg âj `id', âjë
`swelling'< *anH- `to breathe') 2. Alb frymë `breath, breathing;
wind; spirit; soul' is a derivative of fryj. (Pokorny *gWhre:- 495.)
To conclude, PIE voiced aspirated labiovelar *gWh-, in initial
position, have yielded in Albanian /f/, till in final position it
have yielded /h/. *gWh- > -z is usual after short stressed /e/,
otherwise /g/.
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