Re[2]: [tied] Slavic *sUto -> is NOT INHERIT

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 47565
Date: 2007-02-22

At 1:53:42 AM on Thursday, February 22, 2007, Sean Whalen

> I've found an example of m>w in Germanic, also. The
> exact environment is uncertain but is before dentals,
> also.

> tem!rós
> temsrós
> temstrós
> etc
> þimstraz > finstraz 'dark'

> with both forms existing (either due to metathesis of
> features or a child's form).

> þimstraz
> þiwstraz
> þéoster, etc. OE

*þiwstraz doesn't appear to account for WSax þíestre, þýstre
or OSax thiustri.

