How to get a verb root vowel to ablaut

From: tgpedersen
Message: 46909
Date: 2007-01-08

I see two way in which an original PPIE root could have split into
*dhe- and *do:- :

1) Because the roots are open syllables, a hypothetical following vowel,
similar to the thematic vowel, could have "entered" the root; this
is what I have proposed
actually Piotr proposed something similar for the do:- thing
and the now alternating root vowel would now one way or another
have influenced the inlaut consonant.


2) Hypothetically PIE might have had a system similar to the one in
Old Irish where verbs have an absolute and a conjunct form; one
for verb stems without preverbs and one for verb stems with.
Latin has something like that.


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