Re: n-infix (was: Prenasalization, not ejectives cause of Winter's

From: tgpedersen
Message: 46211
Date: 2006-09-27

> > For Vedic sanóti I depart from *senH2-n-w-, which apparently
> > lost either the laryngeal or the second n, yielding either
> > *senhw- or *sennw-, whence, with anaptyxis and accentuation
> > of the new vowel and zero-grading of unaccented vowels, either
> > *sn.H2éw- or *sn.néw-. If Eichner is right in identifying Hitt.
> > sanhuzzi 'roasts' (as *'makes ready, prepares') with Ved.
> > sanóti 'reaches, wins', the PIE form was *sn.H2éw-. I admit
> > it's speculative, but how else can one account for what we find?
> On the other hand, if the identification is not correct, and if
> it's the laryngeal that vanishes, the explanation of the *k^
> type would be a step closer. If cases of excessive accumulation
> of consonants inside a stem, laryngeals are usually the first to
> be "crowded out".

That would be nice.
That means the two h2's in *demh2 ~ *demneh2 are not identical and
that the latter not is the result of infixing *-n- but of suffixing
*-n- and *-eh2-, as I thought.
