Re: Oven [was: Germanic consonants]

From: squilluncus
Message: 46093
Date: 2006-09-16

> A more likely scenario (I think) is this:
> After the liberation wars against Denmark there was a tendency
> in Sweden towards choosing 'real Swedish' forms over the Danish
> (shibboletization etc). Danish /w/ in in inlaut and auslaut,
> presents a problem, since it might be from either original /v/
> (ie /w/) or original /G/ <- /g/. In this case, the Swedes made
> the wrongful assumption that the original, hence original Swedish
> consonant was /g/. Cf. Danish sky [skü?] from French jus [z^ü].
> Torsten
Hellquist p 1055:
ugn, i dial. även omm, fsv. ughn,
oghn, of n, omn (även: ung, jfr nsv.
ungen i lägre talspr.), motsv. isl. ofn,
nisl. också önn, no. omn, da. ovn (i
ä. da. även ogn), got. auhns,

fsv. = before the 15-hundreds.
Also notice "... ä.da. även ogn ..." (ODS på nettet, regretfully,
isn't available on the web tonight, but you - or someone else on the
list -might perhaps have access to a paper version on the book shelf
to check up this about ä.da. and perhaps giving us excerpts from Old
Danish texts mentioning "ogn").
