From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 46009
Date: 2006-09-10
> Novgorod/Pskov Slavic is spoken in an area which originally spokeThe absence (presence) of Vsg in *-ju with the *jo-stems in
> Finnic. If you look at the Finnic case system, you notice that it has
> no vocative. On the other hand the distinction between the nominative
> and the case used for direct object is never neutralized in the
> singular the way it often is in Slavic. So the choice of -e is
> natural given the expectations of a speaker of Finnic learning to
> speak Slavic.
> The degree to which the remainder of Slavic cherished the distinction
> between Nsg and Vsg is graphically illustrated by the fact that the
> jo-stems, where the two cases had merged phonetically by the loss of
> final *s, reintroduced it by borrowing the u-stem ending.