Re: [tied] Helios

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 45857
Date: 2006-08-27

On 2006-08-27 20:48, Sean Whalen wrote:

> All of that is wrong. I don't want to get on
> another tangent so I'll say: I already said there was
> metathesis in 'sun', if you don't believe *sxulyos
> existed then just assume *suxlyos > *su:lyas and a new
> adj. was formed *su:lna- with delengthening in that
> environment.

I could accept the development of *h2u > u: in an open syllable in
Indo-Iranian (presumably via laryngeal metathesis), so that *sh2ul-ijo-
> Skt. su:rya-. But I can't accept the gymnastics that follow
(analogical *su:lna- in a language that has no reflex of *su:lijo- just
to force the point about the otherwise unattested difference between
inherited *ul and syllabic *l. in Proto-Germanic, resulting in two
different and differently assimilated lateral phonemes). I'm afraid we
live in different solar systems ;-).
