[tied] Re: kentum/satem: why Lithuanian kg before e/i

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 45694
Date: 2006-08-12

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:
> but the
> > timeframes didn't match here: there isn't any other PAlb a: >
Rom o
> > (> oa) <-> Alb o in the common words (see raTa, madzare)
> I am not sure I really got what you mean here :
> Palb "a:" > Rom "o" (> oa)<-> Alb "o" (see ratsa, madzare).
> >
> > In addition Rom c^ for Alb s shows us a very old loan for the
> > Latin
My view about Alb. <rosë> 'duck' is that it was derived from *rei-
'to cry, bellow' (cf. rikë 'duckling' from suffixed zero-grade form
*ri-keH2) from *re:-t-yeH2, where -*e:- is a result of contraction
of the diphthong -*ei-.
As in madzare (Alb. <modhull>), as well as in raTa and Alb. <rosë)
we have the same equation IE *e: > Alb. /o/ and Pre-Romanian /a/.
