Re: [tied] Re: Khaos and Eros

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 45339
Date: 2006-07-13

The initial g' is never lost in Romanian-Subtratum, Proto-Albanian
or Dacian see (d)zarã (dhallë) etc...


We have different story with initial  voiced  palatal /*g'/ and different story with  voiced aspirated  palatal /*g'h/, in Albanian it have yielded /d/ and  in Latin h/.
While voiced palatal was treated as voiced velar as in other centum languages, voiced aspirated palatal have yielded mostly in Latin /h/ and in Albanian /d/: *(dh)g'h(y)es 'yesterday': Latin hieri: Alb. dje: Germanic *ges-ter-; *g'hes- 'hand': Alb. dorë 'hand': Greek kheir; *g'heim- 'winter': Latin hiems 'id.', Alb. dimen 'id.': Skt himah 'snow' ec.


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