One more proposal for the identity of h3

From: tgpedersen
Message: 45335
Date: 2006-07-13

There is supposed to exist a PIE "double" root *gWem-/*gWah2-.

If the ablaut vowel is PPIE /a/, and h2 (=x) just preserved an
adjacent PPIE /a/, then the double root is PPIE *gWam-/*gWax-.

The reflexes of the first element is sometimes *gWem-, sometimes
*gWen-. If we posit PPIE *gWan,- instead of *gWam-, the finals of the
double root are homorganic, they are both velar, which is nice.

Now PIE had no /n,/, but that's alright since Pulleyblank has proposed
two Old Chinese cognates *wàân,? "go" (/â/ is a glide corresponding to
the vowel /a/ as /y/ and /w/ correspond to /i/ and /u/) and *wàG- "go

Now if /h2/ (= /x/) corresponds to the nasal /n,/ (in loans), then
perhaps /h3/ corresponds to a nasal /n,W/ (Pulleyblank
proposes /n,^/, /n,/ /n,W/ as the source of PIE /g^/, /g/, /gW/)?
