Re: Isolde's etymology

From: Daniel J. Milton
Message: 45226
Date: 2006-07-04

--- In, "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@...> wrote:
> Has the name Essyllt, Esyllt (Isolde) a Celtic etymology? I found in
some sites the Proto-Celtic etymnology *Adsiltia.
> But I'm thinking an alternative view. Since Isolde was seen as an
Irish princess, but probably with Norse blood, I prefer to see her
names as from Áshildr or Íshildr. Any comments?
> Joao SL
A Google search for "Ashildr" gets 1600 hits. I haven't checked all
1600, but every one I did check before my patience was exhausted got
me to one of those role-playing fantasy sites that infest the Web.
Is Ashildr a real Norse name or a Norse-sounding concoction?