Re: [tied] Bellwood rejects the Pontic steppe homeland hypothesis

From: george knysh
Message: 45148
Date: 2006-06-27

--- mkelkar2003 <swatimkelkar@...> wrote:

> I read messages 10948, 10502, 10270. Dereivka horse
> head is iron age.
> M. kelkar

*****GK: Consult messages 20069, 43615, and the
relevant ANTIQUITY article (perhaps September 2001,
but do the homework). The point is that (1) the
Dereivka horsehead was "contaminated" by handlers
prior to being radiocarbondated. And so one obtained
three widely differing RC dates for it (one of them
mid-4th millennium BCE...) Arbitrary choice of the
iron age result is not good procedure. (2) The
Dereivka site itself, and the independent horsebits
and horsebones discovered there has been reliably
dated to ca. 4000 BCE. It is because Marsha Levine
chose to ignore this evidence that her original
article was lambasted by a number of people (including
yours truly on this list).******

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