Re: [tied] Re: PIE *pel- 'to sell' < - > 'to buy'

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 44948
Date: 2006-06-13

On 2006-06-13 08:15, Abdullah Konushevci wrote:

> You have right, for as /n/, voiced apical nasal, gets /d/, voiced
> apical stop and, as well as /m/, voiced bilabial nasal, gets
> homorganic sounds /b/, voiced bilabial stop.
> In case of <bletë> 'bee' I think that reconstructed form should be
> *melit-teH2 (cf. Greek melissa, Attic melitta)

In the Greek words we have -ss- ~ -tt- from *mélitja < *melit-ih2. PIE
*-tt- would have given -ss- in _all_ Greek dialects!

> and thanks to iCC >
> eCC we could reconstruct PAlb. *mHlitta:/*mlitta: with lost of
> pretonic /e/. But, in case of <mbles> 'marriage broker, go-between'
> we have evidence of prefix *H1en-.
> Konushevci
> For -iCC- > -eCC- see also Latin loan:
> Lat. littera > Alb. <letër> 'paper';
> Lat. missa > Alb. <meshë> 'mass, office';
> Lat. sagitta > Alb. <shigjetë> 'arrow' with variant <zhgjetë> 'id.' etc.

Certainly. But in inherited words *-tt- developed into a proto-Albanian
affricate which has yielded modern /s/ (falling together with *-tj-), so
*melittah2, apart from lacking any Greek support, is questionable on
inner Albanian grounds. The most reasonable reconstruction seems to be
*mlit-ah2 (*melit- was an ablauting stem, so the loss of the *e doesn't
have to be blamed on the Proto-Albanians).
