Re: [tied] Re: i-verbs in Baltic and Slavic

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 44704
Date: 2006-05-25

On 2006-05-25 21:25, Miguel Carrasquer wrote:

> Right: domh2-éye- > domáye- > doma:-. In <domitus>, it
> looks like the causative suffix is indeed completely
> deleted: *domh2-tós > domitus.

This is a little perverse. Both Lat. domitus and Skt. damita- _may_ go
back to *domh2itó-, while Lat. monitus and Skt. ma:nita- _must_ go back
to *monitó-. It seems ony natural to conclude that *mon-éje- and
*domh2-éje- form their deverbal adjectives in the same way. *dom&2tó-
buys you nothing -- it would be just another aberrant form, even harder
to explain than the *monitó- type.
