*o-zd-/*o-zgh- 'bud, branch, leaf'

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 44169
Date: 2006-04-06

*ozdo-s `branch'. 1. Alb. <ath> `to dry, numb', synonymic with <thaj>.
2. Alb. <gjeth> `leaf, foliage' Umlauted form from *gathi from *g-ozd-
i: Arm <ost> `branch'. 3. <vazhdë> `continuation (of a tree), trail,
trace; furrow, rut' from prefixed form v-ozd-eH2, synonymic with
<vazhgë> from *v-ozgh-eH2: Greek ozos: OHG ast. Probably from prefixed
form *o- + zd-, the latter one from zero-grade form of *sed-. (Pokorny
ozdo-s 785.)

Any comment for Jens's O-prefix-infix?
