[tied] Re: PIE prek'- ; prok' ; prk'- 'to ask'

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 43705
Date: 2006-03-08

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Sergejus Tarasovas"
<S.Tarasovas@...> wrote:
> Alternatively, it could indeed be a late (i.e. invented at the time
> meaning 'make' was fully established) learned formation, as Willem

So at least 'you start to accept' that *pric^ina is not at all a PIE
formation but based on your new point of view 'a recent internal pan-
Slavic formation';

Note: I used *pri (not *prei) (I should wrote *'pri-' sorry) Only to
indicate that this is a "later formation" or better to say "later
loan" in Slavic => it entered entered in Slavic in OCS times when
Slavic had *pri already;

b) But if it is 'a recent internal pan-Slavic formation' (that you
start to accept) for sure this word 'should appear first' in 'Only
One of the Slavic Dialects/Languages at that time' and as Willem
point out very well in relation with the Russian word => the right
origin of it should be the OCS => and from there a 'church diffusion
of this word in the pan-Slavic word'

Now if it 'appeared first' in OCS => you need to agree that 'we are
already in the Balkans' when this 'word "was formed" or better
said "appeared first" in the <Slavic world>' => From here the idea
that could be 'a loan' from a word present in Balkan Latin is 'at
least' possible, isn't it?

d) investigating further a possible Balkanic(PAlb/Dacian) source of
this word 'is strange' that it can be derived regularly from :

PIE *prk^-no 'request, question, demand' => /o>a; k' > c; r. > ri] >
PAlb/Dacian pricina > (Balkan Latin>Romanian) pric^ina

My Conclusion here: the confusion is only due to the fact that the
word starts with pri- that is a productive Slavic preffix


> AFAIK, 'inquiry' is a possible Romanian meaning of the word, but
not a
> Slavic one.

I doubt. See Willem, George messages on this aspect.