Re: [tied] H4 - identity? Existance?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 43656
Date: 2006-03-06

> There certainly was *something* that, in identical contexts, gave
> different results in Hittitle. There are many cases where we expet
to find a
> laryngeal, and it just isn't there, and others where we eon't
expect to find
> one, and it is there. H4, if it exsted at all, was probably one of
the early
> casualties in the loss of laryngeals.

Myself I'd get into trouble with my claim that the PIE water word
*(H)ap-/*(H)akW- was related to PIE direction adverbs (preverbs,
prepositions), since in the former sense Hittite has h_ap- with
laryngeal, in the latter ap-. But if I claim they are both loans and
wanderwörter, the trouble goes away; they might have been loaned
from separate donors.
