> The example I remember is from Stern magazine, some coach saying: "Mit
> die vielen Schäden [the team must expect ... etc]". Schalke, I think
> it was.
Schalke 04 is in Gelsenkirchen, in the Ruhr basin area.
> Torsten
BTW, the idiomatic
_(Jetzt mal/Nun mal/Nu' pack doch mal/Gib mal) Butter bei die Fische!_
which means "tell the truth! (syn.: "rede Klartext!"; "sage die
Wahrheit"; "Tacheles reden")
<Butter bei *die* Fische> (instead of the correct *der* after bei,
which is always followed by a dative) is colloquial and quite known
throughout in all german dialectal regions. (I don't know, in which
region, it has been "coined".)