Four *der-(s)

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 42887
Date: 2006-01-11

*der- `hand span'. 1. Alb. <turr> `flounce, pounce, inrush',
probably from *dur-no, substantivized participle of the verb <m'u
turr> `to inrush, pounce' (cf. Celt. *dur-no-, Lett. duru, durut `to
prick, stick'). (Pokorny 1. der- 203.)

*der- `to murmur, chat'. Expressive root. Reduplicated form *derder
> Alb. <dërdëll-it> `to murmur', probably through dissimilation r –
r > r – ll: Bullg. d&rdor&: Serb. Drdljati, Slovenian drdrati `to
chatter' (Pokorny 2. der- 203.)

*der- `to run, walk, step'. 1. Extended root *derm- > Alb.
<dërmoj> `crush, drub, smash' (cf. Serbian drmati `id.'). 2.
Extended zero-grade form *dr.-dh > Alb. <dridh> `tremble, vibrate'
(cf, OHD zittaro:m: Old Norse titra `id.'). 3a. <vrap> `running'
probably from prefixed form *awa-drap-o > wdrap (CCC>CC) > vrap; b.
vrapoj `to run, haste', vrap-ues `runner' (Orel thinks that it is
from *awa- in etymological connection with <rjep> `to strip off
(skin or bark), to tear off'). Also it is used as adverb. Because as
*wr- as well as *-rw- yields in Alb. /rr/, I think that is much
convincing that between /v/ and /r/ should be other voiced stop,
like /d/: Gr. dromos/dromas `id.'. (Pokorny 3. (der)- 204)

*der- `to split, peel, flay'. 1a. Alb. <djerr> `to waste, ruin',
probably from participle form *der-no (*e > je, *rn> rr); b.
<djerr> `fallow land' substantivized participle; c. <djerr-
inë> `fallow land, wilderness'd; Prefixed form <d-bjerr> `to waste,
lost' with variant <v-djerr>, as weel as <d-vjerr/d-bjerr> became
much more productive in compounds: bjerr-a-ditës `time waster,
loafer', synonymic <bjerr-a-kohës>, <bjerr-a-mot> etc. In primary
from <derna> is very much attested in different place names (see
Skok ER, derna). 2. Prefixed extended root *s-derm-iH2 > *zdërmi: >
thërmi `particle', <thërmoj> `to crush, crumb, mince' (attested in
Romanian as farima with regular change of th > f in Albanian, see
above also dh > v in <dhemje> and <vemje>). 3a. <dorë> `part', pl.
<duer/duar>, probably from *da:r-eH2, that can't be identified with
other homonym <dorë> `hand'; b. adjective <i
nduarnduarshëm> `varied, diversified'. 5. Alb. <dërrasë> `board,
batten, plank', probably from *derna-tya: (cf. Lit. derna `id.'). 6.
Alb. <dregëz> `scab, crust' (cf. OE tet(e)r), probably from *dro:gh-
dya:. 7. Extended zero-grade form *dr.b-a:-n-yo > tërboj `to enrage,
infuriate', <tërbim> `hydrophobia, fury' (cf. Russ. dërn&: Lit.
dirti `id.'). 8. Alb. <darkë> `supper' (Gr. m. dorpon, n. dorpos),
probably from extended o-grade form *dork-wo; <drekë> `dinner' seems
to be from lengthened metathetic form *dro:k-wo (Pokorny 4. der-
