> If the Albanians should be Carps or what_ever,
> people who migrated from North of Danuber after III century AC, then
> they should know the rhotacism; they don't.
I doubt a lot that Albanian are the Carps. If Albanians were the Carps
of Dacia in Decebal Times they will also not show the Doric Greek
influence (mainly Doric Greek a:>Albanian o) in their loanwords. (the
Carps migration in the South of Danube belong to sec IV CE so its a
very late Migration)
The Albanians where already more or less in their current location
around 0 CE. I appreciate there south-western movement (not a big one
in fact) from Moesia-Banat to Illyria between 500-300 BCE, where they
arrive in a Doric Greek vicinity before Roman Arrival in Balkans. This
is the single explnation in accordance with linguistic timeframes:
their Contacts with the Greeks preceed their Contact with Romans.
This is confirmed by the fact that Pre-Romanian Substratum was already
dialectaly different that the Albanian One (not only the l-rhotacism
that seems to take place later but also the a:>a, gw/a,o > b and
cw/a,o > p together with the preservation of dz, ts , c^, g^ in Proto-
Romanian => they were retracted very earlier in Proto-Albanian (later
in sec II-III CE when the Proto-Albanian already have dh, th, ts , dz
in place of dz, ts, c^, g^ => because there was no PAlb c^, g^ during
the main contacts with the Romans (see PAlb q, gj)))
So the Proto-Albanians couldn't be the Carps...