--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...>
> alexandru_mg3 wrote:
> > 1. SPITZER -> treats va as cognate of vadum
> Well, it even seems to be the same word :-)
> Piotr
Piotr, regarding Albanian va on Leiden is wrote:
"Notes: {1} It is impossible to determine, whether Alb. va is
genetically related to Lat. vadum or a loanword."
So your joke above <<Well, it even seems to be the same word :-)>>
'indicating somehow' that I have talked about 'a stupid idea'
regarding an inherited Alb. va ...now come back more on your
previous arogance than on my stupidity... :)
Especially now: when your 'analogical retentions or restaurations'
('to can still keep d>zero in bi-syllabic words' like in Latin vadum
>Alb va) are so many and mainly you should propagate
them 'everywhere' where we have an intervocalic d ...
And we have some Facts here:
Albanian form: dridh- {1} [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to tremble, quake, rock
Gramm. forms: Present: dridhem (1sr); Aorist: (u) drodha {2}; Part.:
dridhur / dridhë, dridhun
Quasi-IE: d(h)r-ed(h)-o-; d(h)re:d(h)- (aor.)?
Albanian form: lodh [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to tire, fatigue, harass
Gramm. forms: Present: lodh; Aorist: lodha; Part.: lodhë (tg),
lodhur / lodhun
IE reconstruction: leh1(i)-d-
3) Albanian form: ndrydh {1} [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to sprain, suppress, withdraw
Gramm. forms: Present: ndrydh; Aorist: ndrydha; Part.: ndrydhë (tg),
ndrydhur, ndrydhun
IE reconstruction: treu-d-
4) Albanian form: ngridhem {1} [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to get angry, exited, be in heat
Gramm. forms: Present: ngridhem (1sr); Aorist: (u) ngridh (1sr);
Part.: ngridhur / ngridhun
IE reconstruction: gwr-edh-
5) Albanian form: rrjedh [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to flow, stream
Gramm. forms: Present: rrjedh; Aorist: rrodha; Part.: rrjedhë (tg),
rrjedhur / rrjedhun
IE reconstruction: sr-ed(h)- {1}
6) Albanian form: tredh [verb] (tg)
Meaning: to castrate
Gramm. forms: Present: tredh; Aorist: tredha; Part.: tredhë (tg),
tredhur / tredhun
IE reconstruction: treu-d-
(and I put above Demiraj's derivations from Leiden ....not to
suspect me of 'forced derivations...etc...)
In conclusion Piotr: So many 'analogical restaurations or
retentions' that you can see above could sound finally for you 'like
a rule'...?
And the 'stupid idea' that Alb va is inherited could appear now as a
Best Regards,
Please see Demiraj derivation on Leiden regardin va:
Albanian form: va [m] (tg)
Meaning: ford, ferry(-boat)
Proto-Albanian: ua(d)
Quasi-IE: uh2dh-
Page in Demiraj AE: 405
IE reconstruction: ueh2dh-
Meaning of the IE root: to go, walk
Certainty: ?
Page in Pokorny: 1109
Latin: vadum {1} ford
Notes: {1} It is impossible to determine, whether Alb. va is
genetically related to Lat. vadum or a loanword."
My note: seems that now we have a criteria to can determine that
Albanian va is not a loan from Latin : "the intervocalic d is not
lost in bi-syllabic words in PAlb"