Re: Albanian vras (and Romanian rãu)

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 42181
Date: 2005-11-20

> NOTE-2 : Please note also that the diphtong ea didn't change to ãa
> and next to a after an initial r : we have Rom. rece 'cold' < reace
> (< Lat. recens 'fresh') and not Rom *race < rãace < reace < Lat.
> recens so please note again: that this situation confirm what I said
> that the ã in rãu cannot be explain 'by rules' from an original
> accented Latin e. So the Analogy remains the single source of
> explanation...

As a latest note regarding the history of Latin accented short e in
Romanian is better to add an additional small note:

An accented *eu (as we could suppose to be the case based on rãu,
dzãu) didn't passed 'directly' to *ãu (so there isn't such a rule)
because we have also the Romanian word meu 'mine' < Lat. meus
where /eu/ is well preserved.