Re: Abuse on Yahoogroups (was: Re: [tied] Re: Also an Austro-Asiati

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 42043
Date: 2005-11-10

----- Original Message -----
From: "glen gordon" <glengordon01@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:16 PM
Subject: Abuse on Yahoogroups (was: Re: [tied] Re: Also an Austro-Asiatic


> I find myself elated that Andy Howey has barred
> me from the Nostratic-L "circus forum" but Patrick
> Ryan continues to be on there too. Honestly, is there
> favoritism on these lists for Patrick Ryan for some
> unfathomable reason? He's not a scholar by any means,
> and he's not even interested in debate, only vitriol.
> Surely Patrick merits being barred for good by now
> from any yahoogroup. These attacks are absolutely
> vicious and neverending.
> I would urge everyone to make a complaint directly
> to Yahoogroups rather than putting it in the "admin
> slot". I think it's gone way too far and I have a
> running bet that many other members think so too.
> = gLeN


It was Glen's persistent abuse of others and me that set the original low
tone for "discussion". He has explicitly called others and me a racist,
fascist, fool, eccentric, fantasist, ignoramus, etc.

If he wishes to blame anyone, he should blame himself.

Now David has seen what Glen used to be able to get away with, and thinks he
can, too.

I am not in favor of banning anyone - even someone as intrinsically
unpleasant as Glen - but I only ask that attacks be _immediately_ addressed
by the moderators so that self-defense becomes unnecessary and superfluous.

I, myself, have not perceived any 'favoritism' but only the understandable
fatigue of moderators being forced to intercede when the discussants should
be able to moderate themselves.

Glen reveals his true contempt for order by asking for on-line discussions
of his complaints when the moderators, wisely, have requested these matters
be referred to the ADMIN-list so as to not burden spectators from having to
watch childish antics.


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