Re: [tied] Re: Proto Vedic Continuity Theory of Bharatiya (Indian)

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 41704
Date: 2005-11-02

Richard Wordingham wrote:

> proto word is *snu".
> How much of the argument reported here is original? The /o/ in
> Russian and Old English can be derived by general sound change rules -
> indeed, there is Church Slavonic _snuxa_, and even an Old High German
> variant _snur_. Starting from PIE *o would be very difficult.

The Church Slavic (Serb. redaction) form is actually <snUxa> (with a
back yer from short *u). Fully regular phonetic development would have
led to Russian *snxa; the cluster-buster /o/ was introduced on the
analogy of snox (< *snUxU) and derived words in which the yer
was regularly vocalised (such as diminutive <snos^ka>).

Interestingly, Alb. nuse 'bride, daughter-in-law' is probably just a
lookalike, unrelated to the rest of the correspondence set.
