From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 40791
Date: 2005-09-28
> *****GK: One wonders, then, why it wasn't borrowedAlso, Byzantine Greek <pH> /f/ would not have been replaced by Slavic *v
> into Ukrainian or Belarusian (both groups, esp. the
> former, geographicallhy closer to the Greeks.)
> Russian, on the other hand, is contiguous to many
> Finnic dialects (not just Finlandic if that's what
> people think of as Finnic here) which had the word
> (e.g. vargas in Vepsian), so a northern source does
> sound more plausible. BTW is Lithuanian vagas (sp?)
> =thief, at all related (it is missing the "r"...?*****