From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 40610
Date: 2005-09-25
>On Ned, rujan 25, 2005 11:36 am, Miguel Carrasquer reče:ISO-8859-2 renders e-circumflex as ę. If I keep Mate's
>> On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 01:53:33 +0200 (CEST), Mate Kapović
>> <mkapovic@...> wrote:
>>>On Ned, rujan 25, 2005 1:00 am, Miguel Carrasquer reče:
>>>> On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 00:41:13 +0200 (CEST), Mate Kapović
>>>> <mkapovic@...> wrote:
>>>>>On Ned, rujan 25, 2005 12:20 am, Miguel Carrasquer reče:
>>>>>> *ah2i would produce a circumflex, at least that's what
>>>>>> happens in the Auslaut (Lith -ai, no Saussure's law).
>>>>>> Then again *lah2iwós (if that's a possible form at all)
>>>>>> would probably have given a long vowel in Greek (hard to
>>>>>> sure because of Osthoff's law, but I'd expect *la:(i)ós ~
>>>>>> *le:(i)ós like, say, o:ión).
>>>>>*leh2iwós should behave like *h2o:wyóm? Why?
>>>> Becuase they have nearly identical structure (post-laryngeal
>>>> *la:iwós, *o:uyóm).
>>>Can we be sure that *leh2iwós would yield *la:ywos and not *laywos? That
>>>would depend on whether it was *leh2iwós or *leh2ywós. Hmm...
>> According to Jens' rules concerning "long diphthongs", a
>> form *leh2iwós would not be possible. The expected
>> structure would be either stressed and metathesized
>> *léih2wos or unstressed *lh2iwós, neither of which could
>> have given Slavic lęvU (ap c).
>> The full grade of the root is unremarkable if the wordThat could have /a/ due to proximity to /k/, or due to
>> contains etymological */a/, since the zero grade of */a/ is
>> */a/, as in *nas- obl. *nas-; *sal- obl. *sal-, etc. Since
>> these are acrostatic formations, we would expect Ablaut
>> *oN/*eN (*noNs-, obl. *neNs-), and apparently the reflexes
>> of *oN and *eN merged, Old-Polish-style, as **/aN/ (> */a/).
>OK, I get that, but isn't it just 'ideal IE'? I mean, according to this,
>words like *septm´ and *wl´kWos would be impossible and they're obviously
>not (I know *septm is a number and I know that *wl´kWos is due to
>retraction because it became a noun but still). But it is a good argument,
>I admit.
>And another thing - it's interesting that another IE word for 'left',
>*skaywós also has *ay.