Re: Ianus - PIE Origin?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 40314
Date: 2005-09-22

> On the other hand, my 1857 Keightley's Classical Mythology, which
> is unreliable for etymology, but does generally get the facts of
> mythology straight, has "An ancient Latin name for the Moon was Jana.
> In the Salian hymns she was invoked as Deiva Jana, which became
> Deivjana, and ultimately Diana. ... The masculine of Jana is Janus."
> and goes on to speculate that, if Jana was the Moon, Janus must be
> Sun (with some supporting, if not convincing, evidence).

I was thinking also of *dyew- > Ju:ppiter.

Perhaps a general substandard pronunciation /dy/ for /y/ survived to
become standard Romance?
