> Well, Luwian has *k^ > z (/c/), which suggests a
> palatal quality for *k^ in Proto-Anatolian (which
> is definitely *not* in the "_post-IE_ satem dialect
> area").
"Definitely not"? Are you six thousand years old,
Miguel? My, what amazing longetivity you have :)
This idea can hardly be used to discount issues of
markedness. Besides, there are two potential options
here that are hard to disprove. One is that Luwian
is not a satem language and that it's palatalized
*k's are secondary. The second possibility (and I
just love this one cuz it's so possible and yet so
trippy) is that _part_ of the Anatolian dialect
area lied within the satem area, the part that later
became "Luwian".
= gLeN
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005