From: tgpedersen
Message: 39533
Date: 2005-08-06
> Well, I must by my own experience maintain that the alternance e a
> is rather genuine in colloquial language in the west of Sweden, inmaintained
> opposition to other parts, where the distinction is only
> in refined written language and the colloquial ending is generallyas "den
> a.
> In Göteborg, for instance, where the tramway lines have different
> colours on their signs at least older people refer to line 1
> vite", 4 as "den gröne" etc. (-vagn being an old masc.).a
> I suspect that Själland would still have had this distinction if
> hadn't been weakened to e.Actually the old 'Öresundsmål' maintain a three-gender distinction
>If I have got it right from perusingousted
> your past posts your theory is that the NW-block people were
> from Kattegatt-Skagerack to the Northsea coast by Germanics comingHalf correct. I think (with Kuhn) that the NWpeople (in NWGermany
> from the Scandinavian peninsula. Is that correct?
> How then to explain generalization to a in Svealand andNorrland?
> It can't be shibboletization so far from Denmark. Or is it due toSwedes tend to forget that he was kicked out of Denmark, too ;-)
> deep-rooted memory of the massacre in Stockholm 1520 staged by
> Christian den andre (in Denmark also: den gode) ?