A series of questions for the forum

From: Carl Hult
Message: 39110
Date: 2005-07-08

When studying ancient texts, have any of you or your predecessors taken
into account the following:

1) Speech is changed by influence from the upper classes, such as
speech impediments which has been proven to change the way folks speak.
The "thick" R, the tongue root-R as we call it in swedish, is such an
evolution which originated in a speech problem. It came from France and
spread throughout Europe in less than 100 years. Here in Sweden it
stopped just shy of our capital, Stockholm, in 1850. They don´t have
that R there naturally. Such speech problems could have affected many
words in the past which we now see as a grammatical change which may
baffle more than one scholar.

2) They may have spelled a certain word wrong. In haste everybody
spells wrong, even the best spellers. Later readers took this word for
the right spelling and passed it along and on it goes.

3) Dialects and human nature. There are hundreds of dialects and
sociolects throughout one speech area. Where I live in Sweden I can
hear three or four different dialects everyday. Dialects can change a
whole speech area´s way of saying a certain word if the "right" person
comes along. This "right" person may have a persona which can make
others speak like him or her just by sheer admiration.

If you do have taken this into account then this little article can
serve as a reminder. If there´s anything unclear about what just wrote
please let me know.

Carl Hult