Re: [tied] Re: Early PAlb Depalatisations of k', g' > k, g

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 38969
Date: 2005-06-29

Why not *ew > jaw? (Slavic ju, Baltic jau)

Sergejus Tarasovas <s.tarasovas@...> escreveu:
--- In, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:

> s^love: < *s^la:vija:, like Slavic slava (*s^la:va:), from
> Balto-Slavic lengthened *s^laaw- <= *s^law- < PIE *k^low-.

Actually, B-Sl *c'law- can (and most likely does, in view of eg. Greek
<klé(f)os>) continue PIE *k^lew- (*ew normally gives BSl. *aw, as eg.
in *naw(j)a- < *newos).


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