Re: [tied] *k^red- [was: Re: Clarification for short story.]

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 38673
Date: 2005-06-16

Pavel A. da Mek wrote:

> The grade "k^red-" of compound k^red-dhH1-
> (from k^erd (
> and dheH1 (
> seems to me weird, it is not full grade "k^red" nor zero grade "k^r.d".

An old thought of mine, not yet metioned here, I think. The usual
interpretation of *k^red-dHeh1- is 'to put/place one's heart/pledge...'
etc., but the funny schwebeablaut variant of *k^erd- (_if_ it is the
same root) is left unexplained. I'd like to propose an alternative
possibility: *k^red- may be the archaic endingless _locative_ of *k^erd-
(perhaps a morphologically complex word once upon a time, i.e.
*k^er-d-). The locative often shows the full e-vocalism in the last
vowel-slot of the stem, e.g. *wódr./*udén-. The compound verb would them
have meant 'to place [sth.] in/upon one's heart'.
