--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>
> I trust you, k^red-dhé-dhoH-mi tebhi
Was 'k^red' already joined to 'dheH-' at this stage
of the language? The Vedic reflexes were not.
Also, is 'tebhi' an accurate reconstruction? I would
have expected something more akin to the Vedic and
Greek 2nd-person enclitics, and in the dative case.
So how about "k^rét toy dhe-dhoH-mi" with no accent
on the enclitic or the verb?
I'm assuming that the reduplicated stop of the verb
had yet to lose its aspiration at this stage?
--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>
> --- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, C. Darwin Goranson"
<mailto:cdog_squirrel@...> wrote:
> >
> > One last thing - the accents. An accented syllable gets
> > emphasis, right?
> Yes, definitely.
The emphasis in this case taking the form of raised
pitch though, not stress as in English.