From: Daniel J. Milton
Message: 38556
Date: 2005-06-13
> Here is a question asked out of ignorance, which I hope one of theleaned
> members of our august List will be kind enough to answer. I havesee King
> Philip's name explained (in transliteration, of course) as"fil-hippo" or
> similar, meaning "lover of horses". That looks like purefolk-etymology to
> me - at the very best!. Is there any genuinely credible evidencethat he
> was given his name for that reason? Were kings of the period andof the
> region called by their personal names, anyway, or were they calledby
> titles, perhaps? I ask the same of his son Alexander - or"Alek-sander" as
> I have seen it in an English transliteration. The latter does lookvaguely
> like a title from earlier times, to me, and the former looks like********
> folk-etymology at work again. Any opinions on the List?
> Thanks.
> Gordon Barlow