Dacian and Baltic *tsje(i) / *tsja: -> PIE k'jei, k'ja:j 'thi

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 38142
Date: 2005-05-29

Hello All,
To review the supposition that the Dacian and Baltic forms of
the demonstrative pronouns was *tsja: (fem.) and *tsje(i) (masc.)
we have the following Words (showing the same forms from the Baltic
Sea to Dalmatian coast):

a) Lithuanian -> šia => PBaltic *tsja: /cja:/

Lith. šianakt 'this night' < PBaltic *tsja: nakta:i < PIE *k'ja:j

Lith. šiandien 'today / this day' < PBaltic *tsja: deina:i < PIE
*k'ja:j dei-na:i

b) Albanian -> so -> PAlb. *tsja: /cja:/

Alb. sonte (so+nate) 'this night' < PAlb. *tsja:i nakta:i < PIE
*k'ja:j nokWte:i (dat. form)

Alb. sot (so+dite) ' today / this days' < PAlb. *tsja: di:ta:i
< PIE *k'ja:j di:ta:i (dat. form)

c) Romanian -> cea /c^a/ -> PRom *tsja: /cja:/
"Iar cea MioriTã
Cu lânã plãviTã "
(from Mioritza Popular Poem)

II. For the Masculin Form we have Daco-Baltic *tsje(i) /cjei/

a) Baltic -> PBaltic *tsjei /cje(i)/
I will try to find a Lithuanian example here.....please help if you
know one.

b) Albanian => si => PAlb: *tsjei /cje(i)/

Alb. sivjet 'this year' -> PAlb. *tsjei wetei < PIE *k'jei wetei
(dat. form)

c) Romanian => cel /c^el/ => PRom: *tsjei + Lat.(i)llu
The PRomanian form was articulated in 'lu (<using Lat. illu): *tsjei
+ 'lu

like in:
lupu + illu > lupul 'that/this wolf > the wolf'
*tsjei + illu > cel, celu 'that/this one'

Note: short i > e in Balkan Latin

"Iar cel Moldovean
Si cu cel Vrâncean,
Mãri se vorbirã,
Ei se sfatuirã..."
(from Mioritza Popular Poem)

Viewing all these form for sure that we have now the correct
forms of the Dem. Pronouns.

Best Regards,
Marius Alexandru