Re: [tied] Albanian as a satem langauge

From: alex
Message: 37582
Date: 2005-05-04

alexandru_mg3 wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> a) Each time when I see *g^Hesr(+ *-ah2) Romanian gheara 'DEX:
> Unknown etymology' came in my head too.
> Please see it at
> Should be in this case an ancient 'ghe' in Romanian Substratum not
> related to any *gl ? I strongly suspect this.

this is what I suspect. I cannot get any language, any hint about an
presumable *glala or *glara for getting Rom. "ghear�". If the word is of
IE origin, then the root *g^Hesr- would fit.>
> b) Another strange thing: there are good examples of Alb s - Rom. c^
> all of them suggesting an original c^ in Proto-Albanian and in The
> Romanian Substartum but there are no examples related to Alb z - Rom
> g^.

yes, this is a curiosity since until now we could not trace any
equivalences where Rom. "g^" has an Alb. "dz" or "z" as expected for the
equivalence of Rom. "c^" versus Alb. "s". There can be one has not been
carefully enough and there are some pairs as "g�l�gie" verus Alb.
"zallahi" with the same meaning (noise), Rom. "jar"(< g^ar) versus Alb.
"zjarr", "jumar� (< g^umara) versus "dhjamur". But these are very
suspicious to me and I have trouble in finding a real working rule here.

> Because I couldn't suppose that such a strange asimetry could
> happened I better suspect that something happened with the original
> g^ words in Romanian Substratum. This g^ was somehow
> transformed 'before' than the new g^ related to gi, ge evolutions
> evolved (in fact this new g^ is only dz in Aromanain).
> Best Regards,
> Marius

DacoRomanian si more conservative in some features, Aromanian is more
conservatie in other features. For palatalisation of "g^" , Aromanian
has even the latin "g" an "z" when followed by a front vowel. The mater
is that apparently the "g^" undergone to several changes, giving in Rom.
"g^", "j", or maybe even "ghe" and in Alb. "dh, zj" what ever. Anyway,
these palatalisations cannot belongs to the centum /�atam split. If one
consider these changes belongs to this split, then the .. it should be
absurd on the time line the split between Alb. and Rom. should be as old
as the centum/satem split. And that is nonsense from the actualy stand
of the scholarship:-)


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