While working on another problem, I accidentally noticed that, in Pokorny,
there are NO roots that have the form labialized dorsal stop +V + w-.
For reasons I will not trouble the list with at this time, I believe it is
possible that earlier roots of the form **gWew- and **kWew- were dissimilated to
**gew- and *kew-.
It seems odd to me (if true) that no one has noticed this before; I have
never read of it.
Does anyone know of a reconstructed IE root that has either the form *gWew-
or *kWew-?
Of course, one can assume that they simply never existed; but would that
not be strange?
As far as I know, every other consonantal phoneme of IE except *w has an
attested C + V + w- form.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.