
From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 37075
Date: 2005-04-11

Is it known the etymology of ENYALIOS, one of the epithets of Greek god Ares?
The Mycenean form was e-nu-wa-ri-jo (*Enuwaliyos)
- Mycenean -u-wa- is ever <*u-wa- or can be also <*u-ha- ?
- Mycenean -i-jo- is ever <*i-yo- or can be also <*i-ho- ?
The suffix in Enyalios is probably the same in Deukalion, Daidalos, Thessalos/Phettalos, Mainalos, Kastalia, etc.
Is this a reflex of PIE suffix *-lo-, or it has a non-IE origin *-al- (akin to Latin -a:lis, regalis, moralis, perhaps)
Joao SL 

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