elmeras2000 wrote:
> Recte faba. Collective corresponding to Sl. bobU.
There are quite a few puzzling lexical correspondences connecting Slavic
with Italic -- things like Lat. secu:ris, Slavic sekyra 'axe', or Lat.
lu:na, Slavic *luna < *louksnah2 (with reference to the moon). They
might point to prehistoric contacts somewhere in Central Europe.
*bHabHo-/*bHabHah2 looks like one of those.
> Strange
> relationship to Gk. phákos, Alb. bathë, even stranger to Germ.
> *bauno: .
*bauno: could easily result from early dissimilatory lenition of a
bilabial fricative in *BaBna: < *bHabH-nah2, making the relationship
less strange (though leaving the *n unexplained). The "Balkan" variant
*bHak^o-/*bHak^ah2 remains fully strange, of course.