Re: Danish enigma

From: tgpedersen
Message: 36221
Date: 2005-02-10

> OTOH...
> ...for <stai facendo> there is no equivalent in Romanian. <Stai
> can be used with each verb having its own meaning and requesting
> a few words in order to... explain; e.g. "stai pe scenã facand
> gesticulând & strigând" / "dictatorul _stãtea_ în balcon _fãcând_
> mâna & _uitându-se_ descumpãnit" (stood + waving & looking (at the
> masses) ill at ease). Something completely different.

"Diktatoren stod på balkonen, vinkende og betragtende masserne, ilde
til mode" is possible, but rather literary in Danish. Sometimes
gerund or partiple constructions slosh over from Neewsweek into
Danish journalism "Født i 1948, tog han studenterexksamen i 1968...".
But it still doesn't sound right yet.

Danish has with a few verbs a static-aspect construction using the
present participle in -ende (this can't be a gerund):
'Jeg er gående' "I'm on foot (tonight)"
'Jeg er kørende' "I'm driving (tonight)"
answers eg. to a question of whether you'd want a drink at a party.
'Hun er dårligt gående' "She doesn't walk well (anymore)"

Actually Danish does have a true gerund in -en:
'Jeg er træt af hans banken på væggen' "I'm tired of his knocking on
the wall".
