[tied] Re: Croatian dialectology (was: Latin ibex akin to Portugues

From: willemvermeer
Message: 35933
Date: 2005-01-15

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Sergejus Tarasovas"
<s.tarasovas@...> wrote:
[On Ivsic as a predecessor of Stang in formulating the retraction now
known as "Stang's law".]

> Fortunately, not Dybo who notes (in _Morfonologizirovannyje
> paradigmatic^eskije akcentnyje sistemy_ of 2000) that "Vpervyje
> strojnuju teoriju proisxoz^denija "novogo akuta" sozdal Stepan
> Ivs^ic^... V sus^c^nosti, teorija "novogo akuta" Xr. Stangom vzjata
> poc^ti polnost'ju u St. Ivs^ic^a...".

It is already in my article in FLH 5/2, 1984, p. 333, and probably
elsewhere. By the way, I strongly doubt if Dybo's accusation that
Stang "took" it from Ivsic can be substantiated. It wasn't Stang's
style to "take" discoveries from other scholars without properly
crediting them. Stang was a very chivalrous scholar.
