From: alex
Message: 35926
Date: 2005-01-15
>you mean for sure "etymologicaly" here. The "-�" should be considered as
> But in fact ou� does not have a plural in -�, historically.
> In Romanian the old neuter pl. ending -a has beenis there any points to sustain this assumtion of "changing" ? I could be
> analogically changed to -e (after the feminine -a, pl. -e,
> something which is abundantly attested already in Vulgar
> Latin), so most old neuters that do not have -uri (< -ure)
> make their plural in -e (lemn, bratz, corn, os, m�r, etc.).
> The same goes for ou� < oue, which goes like nove(m) > nou�,
> with the regular development -we > -wa.
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...