Re: [tied] Re: IJzelman- ?

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 35718
Date: 2004-12-29

At 4:34:23 AM on Wednesday, December 29, 2004, tgpedersen


>> Theoretically, Celtic *i:ssV can have older i: or e:, and
>> the consonantism can be from *-st-,* -ts-, or *-t(s)t-.

> To make matters worse the Irish dictionary I consulted
> says contrariwise that 'is' is a contraction of 'i (in)' +
> article (in the German style).

Wrong word. It's /i:/, not /i/, so you want <ís>. Or
rather, that's what you'd want in Old Irish; the /s/ isn't
palatalized, so you'll find it in a modern dictionary under
<íos>. (If you have access to the Royal Irish Academy's
Dictionary of the Irish Language, however, you'll find it at
