Re: [tied] German Suffix "-isch"

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 35686
Date: 2004-12-28

>For the starters, "-eshte" is a _suffix_ which is used for making
>_adverbs_and it is _not_ derived from Slavic "-IksU" since the
>sufix "-ishte" should be derived from Slavic "-iskV" where last "V"
>should be too a front vowel.

Romanian sufix 'esc /esk/' is considered by Rosetti (ILR II) to
have a Dacian/Thracian origin:


(sorry in advance for my English and for my Greeks' transpositions):

Rosetti ILR II pag 61 :

<< The suffix -esc derives, in daco-romanian, adjectives from
nouns; these adjectives indicates the type, the apartenence
: 'bãrbãt-esc' 'om-e-nesc' 'român-esc" "sãt-esc"; same suffix is used
to derived from Personal nouns, village/city names and family names
that indicate the origin:
Bucureshti (<Bucur)
Bãlãneshti (<Bãlanul) (Iordan, Rum. Top., 50 and next)

In aromanian -escu derives only adjectives from nouns :
bãrbãtescu , mul'irescu etc. (Capidan, Nom. Suff. Ar. 46).

Graur showed (Romania LIII, 539 and next) that the origin of this
suffix should be identified in Thracian, because Latin suffix 'iscus'
similar with the Greek suffix '-iskos' are used to form only
diminutives. In contrary, in Dacian/Thracian -isk- appear in City
names and in Personal Names and is derived from adevectival nouns,
where like in Romanian indicates the origin and the apartenence:
Ciniscus (village; CIL VI 2730; 6-7: Roma)
Clementianesce (village in Moesia Infer. (Parvan Ulmetum II,2 nr.
17; AArom., XXXVI ist. 230)
Coriscus n. pr. masc. (CIL, III 729; 3 : Rodosto, Thracia)
Etriscus n. pr. m,asc. (CIL, III, 1502 5-6 Dacia)
Laiscus n. pr. masc. (CIL, III, 13.860; 5-6: Dalmatia)
Lo(i)scius n. pr. masc. (CIL, III, 3059; 3: near Albona, Dalmatia)
Saturiscus n. pr. masc. (CIL, III, 2378, 3-4 Salonae, Dalmatia)
*Surisca n. pr. fem. (CIL, III, 2126, 3-4 Salonae, Dalmatia;
2675; 2:Tragurium, Dalmatia; XIV, 3750; 2. Tibur Italia).
daciscus "dacic" : in exp(editione) dacisca (CIL, III, 5218; 3-4:
Celeia, Noricum); negotiat(ore) dacisco (CIL, V, 1047: 5: Aquleia);
natione dacisca (CIL, VI, 2605: 3-4 Roma).
thraciscus "tracic" (Iul. Capitollinus, Maximin. II, 3; Iordanes,
Get., XV, 86)
balisca vitis " 'vitis' of Balkanic origin" Pliniu, Hist Nat.,
XIV, 30 : "baliscam Dyrrachini celebrant, Hispaniae cocolobin
vocant", Graur, Romania, LIII, 544)

Note: For Bonfante (Lg., 18, p.290) the suffix would be Illyrian and
his presence in Thracian/Dacian would be explained by an Illyrian
substratum. >>

Rosetti ILR II pag 62:

<< II. The suffix -eshte that forms in Romanian adverbs from
adjectives: bãrbãtesc > bãrbãteshte etc... would reproduce also a
Thracian/Dacian, formation derived from an instrumental -e (Graur,
l.c. 552) Cf. in Albanian -shtë, eshtë (-illir. -st- cf. Tergeste,
city name, today Triest, alb. treg "commercio, mercato" , Gelzer,
ZRPh., XXXVII, 279 and next). This suffix that originary served to
derive ethnic names was used next to derive adjectives from common
njerzisht "umanamente" < nierzi
kopshtë "Garten" < grk. ka:pos,ke:pos;
vëreshte (vne'sht) "Weingarten" < vênë "Wein"
(Pekmezi, Gr. alb. Spr. ,224;Weigand,Alb.Gr.,92;
Sanfeld,Ling.Balk.,128 registered Albanian Romanian similarities
with some doubts) >>

Only The Bests,