From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 35353
Date: 2004-12-06
>--- In, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:On the other hand, the absence of any traces of Ablaut
>> Speaking of móte:... The word is AP 1 in Lith. and AP a in
>> Slavic, but you cannot tell whether that is due to Hirt's
>> law or the word was barytonic to begin with. Latv. has
>> mâte, where the Brechton would point to *ma:té:~, were it
>> not that as far as I know, Hirt's law applied to Latvian as
>> well. So, does BS *ma:te:: go with Skt. ma:tá: or with Grk.
>> mé:te:r?
>I think it should be noted that Greek mé:te:r only has initial
>accent in the nominative and vocative - other than that it goes like
>paté:r. The initial accent of the nominative can credibly be
>credited to the vocative. Something very similar goes for thugáte:r,
>thúgater, thugatéra, thugatrós, thugatéri/-trí. Thus, Greek agrees
>quite well with the rest of the evidence available.