Re: IE people, the animals and the elements of the house

From: alex
Message: 33698
Date: 2004-08-04

I don't know if this is a common cultural thesaurus, this is why I will try
to ask here about the denomination of the elements of the house . In Rom.
Lang., almost every part of the house , almost every element has the name of
an animal.
I will make a short list here with some denominations and if you
find something similar in your own language or in the languages you know, I
guess it will be interesting to compare them:

the elements which are making the basis of the house are called "bears"
the wooden walls are closed up at the ends with "little dogs" (c�Tei)
the roof is made up due a lot of roebocks (c�priori)
the both ends of the roof are called horses (cai)
the place where thee "roebocks" are comming together is called "goat"
the head of the roof is protejed by some animals called skylarks(ciocarlani)
or cocks(cocoSi)
the doors are closed up with frogs (broaSte)


I really wonder if there is something similar in other IE languages as well.
