On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:13:04 +0200, alex
alxmoeller@...> wrote:
>are there some examples of órV-, óLV- and or~V-, ol~V- as well which show us
>how in such case the things works?
Bräuer's Slavische Sprachwissenschaft gives the following
*órdlo "Pflug"
[with ra-] OCS, Russ. ralo, SCr. ra``lo, Pol., Sorb. radl/o,
Cz. rádlo.
*órmeN, *órmo "Schulter, Arm"
[with ra-] OCS ramo, SCr. ra``me, OR. rámo, ramja, Pol
ramieN, Cz. rámê
*ólnI, *ólni "Hirschkuh"
[with la-] OCS lanui, Scr. làne, Russ. lan', pol. l/ani,
l/ania, Cz. lan^
[without metathesis] OCS alUnii
*ol~kUtI "Ellenbogen" ->
[with la-] OCS lakUtI, SCr. lâkat, MSvk.(!) laket'
[with lo-] ORuss. lokUtI, Pol. l/okiec', OSorb. l/phc', Cz.
loket, ModSvk. loket'
*or~bU "Sklave, Knecht" ->
[with ra-] OCS rabU, rabota, SCr. rábiti, ràbota, ModRuss.
(< OCS) rab, rabota.
[with ro-] ORuss. robU, robóta, Pol., Cz. robota, OCS (!)
(Codex Suprasl.) robU, robota
*ol~di "Boot" ->
[with la-] OCS ladii [also alUdii, without m], SCr. lâda
[with lo-] ORuss. lodIja, lodUka, Pol. l/ódz', Cz. lod'
[without metathesis] OCS (Codex Suprasl.) alUdii
"Für anlautendes ert-, elt- (i.e. erC-, elC-) fehlen sichere
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal